Stay in control of your docs
Get started for free
Store Financial & Legal Docs securely
Organise Bids & Proposals together
Find Compliance Documentation quickly
Set notifications for Consent Form expiry dates
Automate License renewal reminders
Receive alerts as you reach Contract milestones
View receipt of HR Forms in real time
Get sign off on new Policies & Procedures
Collaborate to update Records using live dashboards
Manage your important documents with Hardcopy
Manage your important documents with Hardcopy

Hardcopy is the central hub
for all your important documents

Find your files quicker

Never miss a deadline again

Collaborate with automated workflows

What our customers
do with Hardcopy?

Store and tag

Centrally store your important documents in the Hardcopy Cloud. No more using ad hoc systems, or even paper-based methods! With the Hardcopy platform you and your team can securely file your docs and search with ease.

Get started today

Create reminders
and set alerts

Your documents may have key milestones, or vital expiry dates that you need to adhere to. With Hardcopy you can set alerts and create reminders to never miss a deadline. Set it & forget it!

Get started today

Collaborate with
automated workflows

Share documents and record all activity in your Hardcopy dashboard. See who has viewed, agreed, signed and even updated key fields.

Get started today

Store and tag

Centrally store your important documents in the Hardcopy Cloud. No more using ad hoc systems, or even paper-based methods! With the Hardcopy platform you and your team can securely file your docs and search with ease.

Get started today

Create reminders
and set alerts

Your documents may have key milestones, or vital expiry dates that you need to adhere to. With Hardcopy you can set alerts and create reminders to never miss a deadline.
Set it & forget it!

Get started today

Collaborate with
automated workflows

Share documents and record all activity in your Hardcopy dashboard. See who has viewed, agreed, signed and even updated key fields.

Get started today

Designed to fit every use case

Hardcopy is ideally suited to the varied requirements of the many different teams within your organisation.

Hardcopy for Marketing

Master your Rights Management by adding detailed notes about permissions, and setting expiry dates for your Consent Forms.

Hardcopy for Legal

Create reminders for important Licenses and remain compliant at all times.

Hardcopy for Human Resources

Search for key Policies and Forms with ease. Collaborate with your teams using the Hardcopy smart hub.

Hardcopy for Commercial

Store Contracts and Commercial Agreements centrally. Update review dates to stay ahead of the game!

Get started for Free. No credit card required

Get started for free

Hardcopy is ideal for all types
of content!

Consent forms

Adhere to permissions by setting alerts around consent expiry dates.


Share with colleagues to ensure your team is up to speed with all proceedures.

Commercial agreements

Be proactive in managing partnerships by setting reminders in line with opportunities.


Monitor your licenses with custom metadata available to define usage type.

HR forms

Collaborate with your team so that Human Resources processes are maintained.

Compliance documentation

Have peace of mind knowing that you remain complaint at all times with Hardcopy.


Set key milestones in framework agreements to stay on top of all opportunities.

Rights management

Use flexible tagging alongside simple sort and search to manage all rights and releases.

...and much more

Hardcopy enables you to manage all aspects of your important documents...

What are the benefits of Hardcopy?

Hardcopy makes managing your documents simple. Stay ahead of deadlines, remain in control and work more efficiently!

Save time

Centrally store and easily locate your documents. Simple upload and search features.

Secure location

Cloud hosted on AWS with HTTPS encryption, Hardcopy uses Cloudflare for  worldwide accessibility and DDoS protection.

Be compliant

Never miss a deadline related to important docs by setting expiry dates and creating alerts & reminders.

Stay in control

View current status at a glance. Monitor reports and gain insights.

Tag your docs

Easily keep your records updated with associated information and tags.

Get organised

Manage projects more efficiently, ensure that you stay on top of tasks.