Stay in control of your docs
Get started for free
Stay in control of your docs
Get started for free


Store and tag documents. Create reminders and set alerts. Collaborate with automated workflows.


£20.0018.00/ month

For professionals looking to stay in control
of their files.

1 user
Tag and search important docs
Set alerts around key dates
Start my free trial
No credit card required.
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10% non-profit discount available



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Up to 1,000 Notes
Up to 5 Different Projects
No Collaborators
Normal Support
Buy it now

10% non-profit discount available

Store and tag

  • Central hub
  • Secure cloud platform
  • Simple tagging
  • Faster search
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Create reminders
and set alerts

  • Maintain compliance
  • Apply GDPR
  • Consent management
  • Preference handling
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Collaborate with
automated workflows

  • Seamless collaboration
  • Easy automation
  • Real-time updates
  • Live dashboards
Learn more